Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Configuring a Distributed API Manager Deployment with Gateway and Control Plane

In the distributed setup, the API-M server profiles are deployed as separate API-M nodes. Followings are the APIM nodes you can have in a distributed deployment support for our pattern.

  • Gateway Worker Node - API-M nodes running the Gateway profile.
  • Control Plane Node - API-M nodes running the Control Plane profile. The Control Plane includes the Traffic Manager, Key Manager, Publisher, and Developer Portal components.

1. Install WSO2 API Manager

  • Download the WSO2 API Manager.
  • Create copies of the API-M distribution for the individual profiles

2. Install and configure the databases

You can create the required databases for the API-M deployment in a separate server and point to the databases from the respective nodes.

Below are the default databases which will be used within API Manager.
  • WSO2AM_DB - WSO2 API Manager has this database keeping its specific API-M related data.
  • WSO2SHARED_DB - This database contains the registry and user management data.
  • WSO2CARBON_DB - This database has the internal data related to the product.
Databases used by API-M profiles:

Control Plane profileYesYesYes
Gateway profileNoYesYes

It is recommended to use an industry-standard RDBMS such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL, etc. WSO2 products are shipped with scripts for creating the required tables in all the required databases: The scripts for creating tables for API-M, user management, and registry data are stored in the <API-M_HOME>/dbscripts directory.

In this example i'm using PostgreSQL.

3. Create and import SSL certificates

Create an SSL certificate for each of the WSO2 API-M nodes and import them to the keystore and the truststore. This ensures that hostname mismatch issues in the certificates will not occur.

Note: The same primary keystore should be used for all API Manager instances to decrypt the registry resources.

For more details:

4. Configure and start the profiles

4.1 Configure the Gateway Nodes

Follow these steps to configure the Gateway to communicate with the Control Plane.

Open the <API-M_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file of the Gateway node.
Add the following configurations to the deployment.toml file.

Note: Update the parameters as necessary.

hostname = "{{apim gateway lb host}}"
node_ip = "{{node_ip}}"
server_role = "gateway-worker"
offset= 0

type = "database_unique_id"

username = "$secret{admin_username}"
password = "$secret{admin_password}"
create_admin_account = true


type = "postgre"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://{{db host}}:5432/apim_db"
username = "$secret{wso2am_db_username}"
password = "$secret{wso2am_db_password}"
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
validationQuery = "SELECT 1"
pool_options.maxActive = 50
pool_options.maxWait = 30000

type = "postgre"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://{{db host}}:5432/shared_db"
username = "$secret{wso2shared_db_username}"
password = "$secret{wso2shared_db_password}"
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
validationQuery = "SELECT 1"
pool_options.maxActive = 50
pool_options.maxWait = 10000
pool_options.validationInterval = 10000

type = "postgre"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://{{db host}}:5432/carbon_db"
username = "$secret{wso2carbon_db_username}"
password = "$secret{wso2carbon_db_password}"
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
validationQuery = "SELECT 1"

 # JWT Generation
enable = "true"
encoding = "base64"
generator_impl = "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt.token.JWTGenerator"
claim_dialect = ""
header = "X-JWT-Assertion"
signing_algorithm = "SHA256withRSA"
enable_user_claims = "false"
claims_extractor_impl = "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.token.ExtendedDefaultClaimsRetriever"

gateway_labels = ["Default"]
artifact_retriever = "DBRetriever"
deployment_retry_duration = 15000
data_retrieval_mode = "sync"
event_waiting_time = 5000

service_url = "https://{{apim control plane lb host}}/services/"
username = "$ref{super_admin.username}"
password = "$ref{super_admin.password}"

enable_data_publishing = true
enable_policy_deploy = true
enable_blacklist_condition = true
enable_persistence = true
username = "$ref{super_admin.username}"
password = "$ref{super_admin.password}"
service_url = "https://{{apim control plane lb host}}/services/"
throttle_decision_endpoints = ["tcp://{{apim control plane 1 host}}:5672","tcp://{{apim control plane 2 host}}:5672"]
enable_unlimited_tier = true
enable_header_based_throttling = false
enable_jwt_claim_based_throttling = false
enable_query_param_based_throttling = false

traffic_manager_urls = ["tcp://{{apim control plane 1 host}}:9611"]
traffic_manager_auth_urls = ["ssl://{{apim control plane 1 host}}:9711"]

traffic_manager_urls = ["tcp://{{apim control plane 2 host}}:9611"]
traffic_manager_auth_urls = ["ssl://{{apim control plane 2 host}}:9711"]

properties.port = 9763
properties.proxyPort = 80

properties.port = 9443
properties.proxyPort = 443

enable = false
auth_token = "auth_token"

# Caches
enable = true
expiry_time = 15

enable = true

enable = true
expiry_time = 900

enable_outbound_auth_header = true
auth_header = "Authorization"

allow_origins = "*"
allow_methods = ["GET","PUT","POST","DELETE","PATCH","OPTIONS"]
allow_headers = ["authorization","Access-Control-Allow-Origin","Content-Type","SOAPAction"]
allow_credentials = false

enable = true
allow_refresh_tokens = true
iat_validity_period = "1h"

# Condition check for whether the Certification Import Option is enabled
file_name = "primary.pfx"
password = "$secret{primaryKeyStorePassword}"
alias = "wso2carbon"
key_password = "$secret{primaryKeyPassword}"
type = "PKCS12"

file_name = "internal.pfx"
password = "$secret{internalKeyStorePassword}"
alias = "wso2carbon"
key_password = "$secret{internalKeyPassword}"
type = "PKCS12"

file_name = "tls.pfx"
password = "$secret{tlsKeyStorePassword}"
alias = "wso2carbon"
key_password = "$secret{tlsKeyPassword}"
type = "PKCS12"

file_name = "client-truststore.jks"
password = "$secret{truststrorePassword}"
alias = "symmetric.key.value"
algorithm = "AES"

admin_username = "[{{ admin_username }}]"
admin_password = "[{{ admin_password }}]"
wso2am_db_username = "[{{ wso2am_db_username }}]"
wso2am_db_password = "[{{ wso2am_db_password }}]"
wso2shared_db_username = "[{{ wso2shared_db_username }}]"
wso2shared_db_password = "[{{ wso2shared_db_password }}]"
wso2carbon_db_username = "[{{ wso2carbon_db_username }}]"
wso2carbon_db_password = "[{{ wso2carbon_db_password }}]"
truststrorePassword = "[{{truststore.storePassword}}]"

primaryKeyStorePassword  = "[{{primary.privateKeyPasssword}}]"
primaryKeyPassword  = "[{{primary.privateKeyPasssword}}]"
internalKeyStorePassword  = "[{{internal.privateKeyPasssword}}]"
internalKeyPassword  = "[{{internal.privateKeyPasssword}}]"
tlsKeyStorePassword  = "[{{tls.privateKeyPasssword}}]"
tlsKeyPassword  = "[{{tls.privateKeyPasssword}}]"


4.2 Configure the Control Plane Nodes

Follow these steps to configure the Control Plane to communicate with the Gateway.

Open the <API-M_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file of the Gateway node.
Add the following configurations to the deployment.toml file.

Note: Update the parameters as necessary.


hostname = "{{apim control plane lb host}}"
node_ip = "{{node_ip}}"
server_role = "control-plane"
base_path = "${carbon.protocol}://${}:${}"

type = "database_unique_id"

username = "$secret{admin_username}"
password = "$secret{admin_password}"
create_admin_account = true


type = "postgre"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://{{db host}}:5432/apim_db"
username = "$secret{wso2am_db_username}"
password = "$secret{wso2am_db_password}"
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
validationQuery = "SELECT 1"
pool_options.maxActive = 50
pool_options.maxWait = 30000

type = "postgre"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://{{db host}}:5432/shared_db"
username = "$secret{wso2shared_db_username}"
password = "$secret{wso2shared_db_password}"
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
validationQuery = "SELECT 1"
pool_options.maxActive = 50
pool_options.maxWait = 10000
pool_options.validationInterval = 10000

type = "postgre"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://{{db host}}:5432/carbon_db"
username = "$secret{wso2carbon_db_username}"
password = "$secret{wso2carbon_db_password}"
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
validationQuery = "SELECT 1"

enable_email_domain = true

url = "https://{{apim control plane lb host}}/devportal"

properties.port = 9763
properties.proxyPort = 80

properties.port = 9443
properties.proxyPort = 443

 # JWT Generation
enable = "true"
encoding = "base64"
generator_impl = "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt.token.JWTGenerator"
claim_dialect = ""
header = "X-JWT-Assertion"
signing_algorithm = "SHA256withRSA"
enable_user_claims = "false"
claims_extractor_impl = "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.token.ExtendedDefaultClaimsRetriever"

artifact_saver = "DBSaver"
publish_directly_to_gateway = "false"

name = "Default"
type = "hybrid"
display_in_api_console = true
description = "This is a hybrid gateway that handles both production and sandbox token traffic."
show_as_token_endpoint_url = true
service_url = "https://{{apim gateway lb host}}/services/"
ws_endpoint = "ws://{{apim gateway lb host}}:9099"
wss_endpoint = "wss://{{apim gateway lb host}}:8099"
http_endpoint = "http://{{apim gateway lb host}}"
https_endpoint = "https://{{apim gateway lb host}}"
username= "${admin.username}"
password= "${admin.password}"
websub_event_receiver_http_endpoint = "http://{{apim gateway lb host}}:9021"
websub_event_receiver_https_endpoint = "https://{{apim gateway lb host}}:8021"
# provider = "wso2"

# Event Hub configurations
enable = true
username= "$ref{super_admin.username}"
password= "$ref{super_admin.password}"
service_url = "https://{{apim control plane lb host}}/services/"
event_listening_endpoints = ["tcp://{{apim control plane 1 host}}:5672"]
event_duplicate_url = ["tcp://{{apim control plane 2 host}}:5672"]

urls = ["tcp://{{apim control plane 1 host}}:9611"]
auth_urls = ["ssl://{{apim control plane 1 host}}:9711"]

urls = ["tcp://{{apim control plane 2 host}}:9611"]
auth_urls = ["ssl://{{apim control plane 2 host}}:9711"]

# key manager implementation
service_url = "https://{{apim control plane lb host}}/services/"

enable = false
auth_token = "auth_token"

enabled = true
domain = "control-plane-domain"

# Caches
enable = true
expiry_time = 15

enable = true

enable = true
expiry_time = 900

enable_outbound_auth_header = true
auth_header = "Authorization"

allow_origins = "*"
allow_methods = ["GET","PUT","POST","DELETE","PATCH","OPTIONS"]
allow_headers = ["authorization","Access-Control-Allow-Origin","Content-Type","SOAPAction"]
allow_credentials = false

id = "token_revocation"
type = "org.wso2.carbon.identity.core.handler.AbstractIdentityHandler"
name = ""
order = 1

notification_endpoint = "https://{{apim control plane lb host}}/internal/data/v1/notify"
username = "${super_admin.username}"
password = "${super_admin.password}"
'header.X-WSO2-KEY-MANAGER' = "default"

enable = true
allow_refresh_tokens = true
iat_validity_period = "1h"

# Condition check for whether the Certification Import Option is enabled
file_name = "primary.pfx"
password = "$secret{primaryKeyStorePassword}"
alias = "wso2carbon"
key_password = "$secret{primaryKeyPassword}"
type = "PKCS12"

file_name = "internal.pfx"
password = "$secret{internalKeyStorePassword}"
alias = "wso2carbon"
key_password = "$secret{internalKeyPassword}"
type = "PKCS12"

file_name = "tls.pfx"
password = "$secret{tlsKeyStorePassword}"
alias = "wso2carbon"
key_password = "$secret{tlsKeyPassword}"
type = "PKCS12"

file_name = "client-truststore.jks"
password = "$secret{truststrorePassword}"
alias = "symmetric.key.value"
algorithm = "AES"

admin_username = "[{{ admin_username }}]"
admin_password = "[{{ admin_password }}]"
wso2am_db_username = "[{{ wso2am_db_username }}]"
wso2am_db_password = "[{{ wso2am_db_password }}]"
wso2shared_db_username = "[{{ wso2shared_db_username }}]"
wso2shared_db_password = "[{{ wso2shared_db_password }}]"
wso2carbon_db_username = "[{{ wso2carbon_db_username }}]"
wso2carbon_db_password = "[{{ wso2carbon_db_password }}]"
truststrorePassword = "[{{truststore.storePassword}}]"

primaryKeyStorePassword  = "[{{primary.privateKeyPasssword}}]"
primaryKeyPassword  = "[{{primary.privateKeyPasssword}}]"
internalKeyStorePassword  = "[{{internal.privateKeyPasssword}}]"
internalKeyPassword  = "[{{internal.privateKeyPasssword}}]"
tlsKeyStorePassword  = "[{{tls.privateKeyPasssword}}]"
tlsKeyPassword  = "[{{tls.privateKeyPasssword}}]"


Open the server's /etc/hosts file and map the hostnames to IPs.


4.3 Configure carbon.xml

Configure carbon.xml file if you using custom keystores as below.

            KeyStore which will be used for encrypting/decrypting passwords
            and other sensitive information.
            <!-- Keystore file location-->
            <!-- Keystore type (JKS/PKCS12 etc.)-->
            <!-- Keystore password-->
            <!-- Private Key alias-->
            <!-- Private Key password-->

            The KeyStore which is used for encrypting/decrypting internal data.
            This block is read by Carbon Crypto Service.
            <!-- Keystore file location-->
            <!-- Keystore type (JKS/PKCS12 etc.)-->
            <!-- Keystore password-->
            <!-- Private Key alias-->
            <!-- Private Key password-->


            System wide trust-store which is used to maintain the certificates of all
            the trusted parties.
            <!-- trust-store file location -->
            <!-- trust-store type (JKS/PKCS12 etc.) -->
            <!-- trust-store password -->


4.4 Configure load balancers

You need to properly configure load balancers fronting the two Control Plane nodes and two Gateway nodes.

4.5 Start the API-M nodes

Before starts the servers,

Execute the control plane optimization:
cd <API-M_HOME>/bin/
sh -Dprofile=control-plane

Execute the gateway optimization:
cd <API-M_HOME>/bin/
sh -Dprofile=gateway-worker

Once you have successfully configured all the API-M nodes in the deployment, you can start the servers.

Starting the Gateway nodes

Open a terminal, navigate to the <API-M-GATEWAY-HOME>/bin folder, and execute the following command

cd <API-M_HOME>/bin/
sh -Dprofile=gateway-worker

Start the Control Plane nodes

Open a terminal, navigate to the <API-M-CONTROL-PLANE-HOME>/bin folder, and execute the following command:
cd <API-M_HOME>/bin/
sh -Dprofile=control-plane

5. Sample APIM deployment architecture in Azure cloud.

This is the sample architecture of the APIM deployment in Azure using Azure VMs, Azure scaleset, Azure Load-balancer and Azure Active Directory.

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